Your Board of Directors for the year 2018-2019
From left to right : Richard (president), Ginette (secretary), Jacques (treasurer), Lucie (2nd vice-president), Fernand (1st vice-president), André (genealogist), Pierre, Évariste (director of the newsletter) and Dany Normand.
President :
Richard Normand, Repentigny
Tel.: (450) 585-3661
E-mail: fafnor@sympatico.ca
1st vice-president :
Fernand Normand, Joliette
Tel.: (450) 753-7117
E-mail: f.normand@sympatico.ca
2nd vice-president :
Lucie Normand, Waterville
Tel.: (819) 823-1985
E-mail: lnormand@petrolessherbrooke.ca
Secretary :
Ginette Normand Aubry, Gatineau
Tel.: (819) 246-5299
Treasurer :
Jacques Normand, Saint-Anselme
Tel.: (418) 885-4688
E-mail: jacques.normand@globetrotter.net
Administrator and genealogist :
André Normand, Québec
Tel.: (418) 659-2265
E-mail: residencenormand@videotron.ca
Administrator :
Dany Normand, Lévis
Tel.: (418) 834-5443
E-mail: dany.normand@fpinnovations.ca
Administrator and director of the newsletter :
Évariste Normand, Lévis
Tel.: (418) 839-4348
E-mail: evaristenormand@videotron.ca
Administrator :
Pierre Normand, Louiseville
Tel.: (819) 228-9528
E-mail: pierre.normand@cgocable.ca